Tuesday, April 5, 2011


1. What does the writer of the article say that creating mood is for him?
In the article the writer said that creating mood for him is it's all about the feeling of being there, of taking the viewer to the location of the photo to feel like i did when the shot was taken.

2. What common element that can add mood to a photo?
One of the most common to incorporate into a photo is fog.

3. Why do storm clouds add mood? What kind of mood can storm clouds convey?
The darker, more ominous and threatening the sky, the more drama and mood you'll have in the resulting images. The kind of mood storm clouds convey is

4. What kind of effect can running water have?
When you're shooting running water, a long exposure is usually used in order to create the silky smooth flow of the water. While this effect is nice, a fast shutter speed can create a feeling of power as waves crash on rocks or a waterfall send cascades of spray onto the rocks below.

5. Why can many different people find many different moods in a photo?
Whatever the case, do whatever you can try to entice viewers to feel as though they were and can feel what it was like to take the shot.

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